Senegal - Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT

Senegal - officially the Republic of Senegal – is a West African country bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Mauritania, Mali, The Gambia, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau. Recognized for its relatively stable political environment, Senegal covers an area of 196,712 square kilometers and is home to 18,032,473 inhabitants (2023), with a population comprising 49.4% females and 50.6% males. The country's Atlantic Ocean coastline contributes to its diverse climate, ranging from dry desert to humid tropics.

Notably, about 45% of Senegal's land surface is covered by forests, 35% is designated as pasture or rangeland, 10% is designated for urban areas and infrastructure, and 20% is suitable for arable agriculture. The agricultural sector serves as Senegal’s primary industry, with peanuts being its most important cash and export crop. Senegal's economic landscape also encompasses sectors such as fishing, mining, manufacturing, and a thriving tourism industry, which is gaining interest from European travelers. 

The Alliance has been working in Senegal since 2011 under the CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS), opening its official country office in Dakar in January 2022. With a strategic focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation, the Alliance is committed to promoting climate-smart agricultural practices, providing climate information services, and introducing innovative tools such as index-based insurance and credits, digital advancements, and activities that increase entrepreneurship with a focus on gender and youth. Our agenda in Senegal fosters sustainable agricultural practices, enhances climate resilience, and drives positive change for local communities. Through collaborations with key public and private institutions, the Alliance implements impactful projects that contribute to the development and resilience of Senegal's agricultural sector. 

Our Thematic Areas of Focus in Senegal

Through these thematic work areas, the Alliance contributes to the development of sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices, increasing food security and economic growth in Senegal. 

  • Climate-smart agriculture (CSA): This involves the integration of innovative and sustainable agricultural techniques that help farmers adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. 

  • Climate information services (CIS) and index-based insurance: The Alliance works to improve farmers’ access to climate information services (weather forecasting, guidance on appropriate varieties and practices, and more), and the development of index-based insurance programs to enhance the resilience of farming, fishing, and pastoralist communities in Senegal. 

  • Climate Security (CS): The Alliance explores indirect linkages between the effects of climate change and risks of social instability at the regional and national scales, addressing the following questions: Where are the most vulnerable areas to climate-induced insecurities and risks?  Who are the most vulnerable groups to climate and security risks that should be prioritized to ensure stability and peace in a climate crisis?  How does climate worsen the root causes of conflict? What needs to be done to break the cycle between climate and conflict? 

  • Agri-nutrition: The Alliance is conducting research and capacity building on nutrition-sensitive agriculture (food-based approach to agricultural development) and food environment that put nutritionally rich foods, dietary diversity, and food fortification at the heart of overcoming malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.

  • Digital Solutions and Entrepreneurship: The Alliance supports the development and adoption of digital solutions in agriculture, including initiatives that foster entrepreneurship, particularly among women and young people.  

  • Improved forage germplasm and livestock resilience: The Alliance implements activities that increase the availability of quality livestock forage, thereby increasing agricultural productivity and food security. 

  • Research and policy support for sustainable food systems: The Alliance engages in research activities that generate scientific evidence to support the development of policies that support the implementation of sustainable and climate-resilient food systems in Senegal.  

Impact of Our Work in Senegal

  • Enhanced Climate Resilience: Our climate-smart agriculture initiatives have contributed to improved adaptive strategies for farmers, making them more resilient to the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events and shifting growing seasons. 

  • Increased Agricultural Productivity: Through the introduction of improved forage germplasm and livestock resilience programs, we have facilitated an increase in agricultural productivity, ensuring food security and economic stability for farming communities. 

  • Improved Access to Information and Services: Our efforts in providing climate information services and index-based insurance have enhanced the accessibility of crucial information and resources for farming, fishing, and pastoralist communities, leading to more informed decision-making and risk management. 

  • Entrepreneurship and Digital Solutions: By promoting digital solutions and entrepreneurship, particularly among women and young people, we have contributed to the growth of sustainable and inclusive agricultural practices, fostering economic development and job creation. 

  • Policy Support and Sustainable Food Systems: Our research activities have generated valuable scientific evidence that supports the formulation of policies promoting sustainable and climate-resilient food systems, fostering a more robust and future-proof agricultural sector in Senegal. 


  • Improved food security 
  • Enhanced resilience of agricultural systems 
  • Increased livelihood opportunities 
  • Environmental sustainability 
  • Capacity building and knowledge transfer 

Projects and Flagship Initiatives 

These projects and flagship initiatives reflect the Alliance's commitment to addressing climate change challenges, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and enhancing the resilience of agricultural systems in Senegal.   

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Our office in Senegal

Address: Almadies, Parcelles 22, Zone 10 Lot 227
Zip/Postal Code: 24063
Phone: +221 33 869 98 00 (via IFPRI)
Contact person: Issa Ouedraogo ([email protected])

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