Effect of manure on millet production in a long-term soil fertility management experiment in Niger, West Africa
Conservation tillage, local organic resources and nitrogen fertilizer combinations affect maize productivity in arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya
How does traditional harvesting of young leaves for vegetable use affect seed yields of cowpea variety mixtures in Eastern Uganda?
Pathogenic variability of Phaeoisariopsis griseola in Kenya and its implications in resistance of common bean to angular leaf spot
Promiscuous soybean varieties, developed in West Africa, retain their promiscuity and dual-purpose nature under western Kenyan conditions
Inheritance and genetic characterization of resistance for use in development of Pythium root rot-resistant bean varieties
Targeting farmer acceptable climbing and bush bean varieties through participatory plant breeding in Rwanda
Characterization and breeding for resistance against angular leaf spot, root rot and anthracnose pathogens in climbing beans
Commercialising organic agriculture. Does it improve household food security? A case study from south-western Uganda
An assessment of livelihood transitions triggered through conservation agriculture in different vulnerable productions systems in Central Mozambique
Population genetics structure of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces from Ethiopia and Kenya