Exploring gender perceptions of resource ownership and their implications for food security among rural livestock owners in Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Nicaragua
Agricultural innovations that increase productivity and generates incomes: lessons on identification and testing processes in Rwandan agricultural innovation platforms
Lushoto and Hoima: Soil health baseline assessment: Understanding landscape-scale variability of soil health indicators: assessing the effects of cultivation on soil organic carbon
Bean utilization and commercialization in great lakes region of Central Africa: The case of smallholder farmers in Burundi
Assessing climate change vulnerability and its effects on food security: Testing a new toolkit in Tanzania
Minjingu phosphate rock applications increase the population of phosphate solubilising microorganisms with a positive impact on crop yields in a Kenyan Ferralsol
Workshop on Effective and Sustainable Seed Relief Activities (2003, Rome). Towards effective and sustainable seed relief activities : Report
Seminaire Regional sur l`Amelioration du Haricot dans la Region des Grands Lacs (6, 1991, Kigali, Rwanda). Actes