Impact of land use types and farming practices on arbucular Mcorrhizal fungi (AMF) and yield of maize and beans in Kenya
Genetic diversity of cassava landraces in the great lakes region of Africa assessed using SSR markers
Genetic diversity of common beans as impacted on by farmer variety selection for the management of bean root rots in South Western Uganda
Population genetic structure of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces from Ethiopia and Kenya
Getting back to basics: creating impact-oriented bean seed delivery for the poor (and others): experience of seed production with smallholder farmers in Mozambique
How does traditional harvesting of young leaves for vegetable use affect seed yields of cowpea variety mixtures in Eastern Uganda?
Progress in determining the genetic basis and genetic linkage mapping of cassava brown streak disease tolerance in Tanzania
Genotyping Ugandan cassava breeding populations using SSR markers for resistance to cassava mosaic disease
Development of cassava germplasm resources for the improvement of high value root quality traits through induced mutation and marker aided breeding in Nigeria
Improved beans for the developing world enhancing nutritional & health of PLWHA vulnerable communities. IAT/ISAR/MOH /USAID, Rwanda
Public-private sector partnerships : The power of small seed packs for reaching 100,000s of kenyan bean farmers