Residual benefits of two cowpea genotypes and natural fallow to subsequent maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria
Genetic diversity of Bradyrhizobia nodulating promiscuous soybean varieties in soils amended with phosphorus and lime in two contrasting sites in Kenya
The effects of integration of organic and inorganic sources of nutrient on maize yield in Central Kenya
Enhancing productivity through the integration of grain legumes in maize cropping systems in Central Kenya
Grain legume rotation benefits to maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria: fixed-nitrogen vs other rotation effects
Interaction between resource quality, aggregate turnover, carbon and nitrogen cycling in the central highlands of Kenya
Long-term effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer application on phosphorus availability in semi-arid Eastern Kenya
The potential of increased soybean production in Uasin Gishu District resulting from soil acidity amendment using minjingu phosphate rock and agricultural lime
Use of "prep-pac" product to improve maize and legume yields, legume heights and improved farm income in the nutrients depleted soil of Western Kenya
Residual effects of applied phosphorus fertilizer on maize grain yield and phosphorus recovery from a long-term trial in Western Kenya
Effect of organic inputs and mineral fertilizer on maize yield in a ferralsol and nitisol soil in Central Kenya
Long-term land management effects on crop yields and soil properties in the sub-humid highlands of Kenya