Participatory yield assessment of climbing and bush beans under different management options in Malawi
Northern Rangelands Trust: Baseline assessment of rangeland health - Kalama and Namunyak conservancies
Climate Smart Agriculture Rapid Appraisal (CSA-RA) report from the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT)
Playing out transformative adaptation in CCAFS benchmark sites in East Africa: when, where, how and with whom? Data analysis and adaptation strategy development workshop. Arusha, Tanzania, 4-6 June 2013
Assessing drought tolerance of five improved forage legumes to improve smallholder dairy productivity in Uganda
Importance of Guinea pig husbandry for the livelihood of rural people in Tanzania: a case study in Iringa region
Testing Agro-ecological adaptation and participatory acceptability of ten herbaceous legumes in south Kivu, DR Congo