Importance of Guinea pig husbandry for the livelihood of rural people in Tanzania: a case study in Iringa region
Testing Agro-ecological adaptation and participatory acceptability of ten herbaceous legumes in south Kivu, DR Congo
Effects of conservation tillage, fertilizer inputs and cropping systems on soil properties and crop yield in Western Kenya
From inertia to action: the role of economic and gender factors in soil fertility and technology uptake
Exploring diversity and adoption of agroforestry technologies in mixed crop-livestick smallholder farming in Kenya
Enhancement of agricultural production through nutrition and health intervention demonstration: case study of Suba
Effect of Zai soil and water conservation technique on water balance and the fate of nitrate from organic amendments applied: a case of degraded crusted soils in Niger
Optimization of soil fertility management across different socio-economic gradients: a case of smallholder maize-based agro-ecosystems in Central Kenya
Participatory verification of effect of local organic materials on yield and profitability of new bean varieties by Katosi Women Farmer Group in Mukono District