The digital agriculture project has transformed the use of data to promote climate smart agriculture in Latin America.
Digital technologies for coastal agriculture in the Mekong Delta: A review of the digital technology landscape and stakeholder perspectives on digital agriculture to improve farmer resilience
Empowering women with digital solutions: Leveraging the potential of the private sector for socio-technical innovation
Is agricultural digitization a reality among smallholder farmers in Africa? Unpacking farmers' lived realities of engagement with digital tools and services in rural Northern Ghana
Beyond transformations: Zooming in on agricultural digitalization and the changing social practices of rural farming in Northern Ghana, West Africa
Ecosistema de actores de servicios digitales de información agroclimática en el sector agrícola Centroamericano
Ecosistema de plataformas y modelos que soportan el desarrollo de servicios digitales para toma de decisiones en el sector agropecuario en Latinoamérica
Livestock practices, use of digital tools and co-design and flow of information: Brazil baseline assessment in the region of Novo Repartimento (Pará State, Brazil)