Generation, use and sharing of digital sequence information in crop improvement. Submission to the Twelfth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System: Policy Brief
Mapping the advisory needs and information ecosystems of potato farmers in Nigeria and Kenya. Sub-lever inclusive design & user research
CGIAR Centers’ practices in the generation, deposit, sharing and use of DSI for research and breeding
Playbook for identifying and selecting solutions for climate smart digital agricultural technologies in Africa
Development of a digital platform for dissemination of FAW and Striga agro-advisories in Rwanda and Ghana
In situ monitoring system in the dry corridor of Guatemala through the establishment of a digital agricultural plot /Sistema de monitoreo in situ en el corredor seco de Guatemala a través del establecimiento de una parcela agrícola digital
Spanish video with english subtitles. In-situ monitoring system in the dry corridor of Guatemala through the establishment of a digital agricultural plot
Curriculum design for a diploma course for teachers from Cunori University: Focus on in-situ monitoring in agriculture and defining the research portfolio in collaboration with CGIAR / Diseño del diplomado “Herramientas digitales para la…
In situ monitoring system in the dry corridor of Guatemala through the establishment of a digital agricultural plot
Sensor datasets report from the value-proposition Ag-plot testing of automated field data collection and monitoring tools in Guatemala - 2023
Mapping climate and agronomic digital advisory services landscape of the Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa Initiative (TAFS-WCA): A case of Rwanda
Mapping climate and agronomic digital advisory services landscape: Case of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Mapping climate and agronomic digital advisory services landscape of the Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa Initiative (TAFS-WCA): A case of Nigeria
Human-centered design: An approach to capacity building and co-design of inclusive tools for the Central American agricultural sector
Co-designing and testing delivery channels for a high-frequency data collection system to inform near real-time decision -making in food systems in Guatemala
National Ag-Datahub Awareness Creation and Way forward in Strengthening Digitalization of Ethiopian Agriculture
Gestión de actores y co-diseño de data hub Gt / intercambio de experiencias exitosas hubs-MTA Mx Guatemala / México