Sustainable land uses for low emissions food systems in conflict-affected settings

Duration: November 2018 – October 2023
Geographic area: Municipalities from Caquetá and Cesar.
Funders: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) - International Climate Initiative (IKI)
Total budget: €5,000,000
Project members:

The project “Implementing sustainable agricultural and livestock systems for simultaneous targeting of forest conservation for climate change mitigation (REDD+) and peace-building in Colombia” aims to contribute toward reducing land-based greenhouse gas emissions, conserving forests, restoring degraded landscapes and improving rural livelihoods, while promoting peacebuilding in rural Colombia.
Thus, SLUS will be informed by the in-depth understanding of enabling conditions and existent institutional arrangements together with agricultural value chains (VC) actors. In addition, upgrading strategies within the VC will be posed to foster the adoption of promising land-use systems.
The project is led by the Alliance Bioversity International and the International Research Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Colombia’s Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development is the government partner for this IKI project, while The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), and Colombia’s Research Center for Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems (CIPAV) and Thünen Institut are implementing partner institutions.

This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.
Project work packages
Policy Integration: Potential synergies between priority areas for land-based climate change mitigation and priority areas for peacebuilding.
Sustainable Landed Systems: SLUS that contribute to land-based climate change mitigation and peacebuilding.
Value-Chains Strategies: VC upgrading strategies and sustainable business to foster the adoption of SLUS.
Business Model: Outreach and promotion of SLUS, VC upgrading strategies through sustainable business models.
Scientific Publications

Further Reading: Scientific Publications
- Using Land for Peace: How Sustainable Land Use Systems can foster climate actio…
- Assessing impacts of environmental peacebuilding in Caquetá, Colombia: a multi…
- Peacebuilding in times of COVID-19: risk-adapted strategies of cooperation and …
- Adoption potentials and barriers of silvopastoral system in Colombia: Case of C…
- Peacebuilding in Rural Colombia—A Collective Perception of the Integrated Rura…
- CH4 and N2O Emissions From Cattle Excreta: A Review of Main Drivers and Mitigat…
- Analyzing influencing factors to scale up agroforestry systems in Colombia: A c…
- Governance in post-conflict scenarios: assessing models of community-based gove…
Policy Briefs

Technical Reports

Cacao and Peace
SLUS experiences

Web Seminars
Cómo diseñar intervenciones en agricultura para alcanzar paz y reducir deforestación en Colombia. Parte 1
Cómo diseñar intervenciones en agricultura para alcanzar paz y reducir deforestación en Colombia. Parte 2
Midiendo la acción climática en los sistemas de usos sostenibles de la tierra el caso del cacao
Oportunidades y obstáculos para la extensión rural en sistemas productivos de cacao el rol del conocimiento local
Sistemas sostenibles de uso del suelo para la reducción de la deforestación y la construcción de paz
Webinar: "Toward zero-deforestation supply chains in conflict-affected settings"
Chocolate bars
The IKI-SLUS project has been supporting ASOPROAGRO and ASPROABELÉN, associations that operate in the Colombian departments of Cesar and Caquetá, in producing cocoa sustainably.

Exploring the linkages between sustainable land-use systos and knowledge networks: the case of cacao agroforestry systems in two Colombian regions by Tatiana Rodríguez