Gender vulnerability assessment to inform gender-sensitive adaptation action: a case study in semi-arid areas of Mali
Investing in resilience: A guide to climate risks and opportunities in Ethiopia's key agricultural value chains
Disaster plant pathology: Smart solutions for threats to global plant health from natural and human-driven disasters
Climate change and plant health: impact, implications and the role of research for mitigation and adaptation
Climate change and ecological intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa – A systems approach to predict maize yield under push-pull technology
New climate data toolkit for agroecology developed with African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, backed by McKnight Foundation
Next-generation drought intensity–duration–frequency curves for early warning systems in Ethiopia’s pastoral region
How do interconnected dynamics of climate, security and human mobility interplay in Mali: Climate security pathway analysis
Agroecología y resiliencia de los pequeños agricultores al cambio climático: practicas agroecológicas en café
Agroecologia y resiliencia de los pequenos agricultores al cambio climatico: practicas agroecologia en granos basicos
Using digital tools for a sustainable transition in small- scale livestock farming in Brazil: Results from workshops with local action partners
Gender differences in climate-smart adaptation practices amongst bean-producing farmers in Malawi: The case of Linthipe Extension Planning Area
Climate and land use change pressures on food production in social-ecological systems: Perceptions from farmers in village tank cascade systems of Sri Lanka