Toward compatibility with national dairy production and climate goals through locally appropriate mitigation interventions in Kenya
Adaptation insights: Increasing the availability, quality and use of data on climate adaptation in Africa
Climate security narratives among climBeR partners: A web analytics approach to measure influence and reach of climBeR’s WP2
Investing in resilience: A guide to climate risks and opportunities in Rwanda's key agricultural value chains
Mapeo de instrumentos de política pública en temas de cambio climático (CC), seguridad alimentaria (SA) y migración (M) en Guatemala
Validation workshop on tailoring the digital agro-climate advisory (HingaSmart) platform for Ghana’s context
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia in Khmer language
A model to promote adoption of feeds and forages technologies for cattle and pigs in Northwest highlands, Vietnam
Informe de resultados proyecto respuesta al impacto socioeconómico del COVID-19 y a los efectos del cambio climático en los medios de vida y la seguridad alimentaria en la región del Golfo de Fonseca (R13)
Establishing AICCRA demonstration fields to improve adoptive capabilities of farmers to address climate change in the Kumbungu District of the northern region of Ghana – A field day
Fortaleciendo resiliencia en los sistemas agroalimentarios: Un análisis Integral de las comunidades rurales en Guatemala apoyadas por AgriLAC resiliente.
Informe de resultados proyecto resiliencia para la seguridad alimentaria y migración en el corredor seco de Honduras
Establishment of the national science-policy dialogue platform on climate change, agriculture and food security in the framework of the ProPAD project in CHAD: Technical workshop report