
Investing in resilience: A guide to climate risks and opportunities in Rwanda's key agricultural value chains

Rwanda is at a pivotal moment, where agriculture—central to the country’s economy and rural livelihoods—holds the potential to drive resilience and prosperity. Yet, climate change presents serious challenges, threatening to disrupt agricultural productivity and increase food insecurity. In the face of these challenges, there is a significant opportunity to build a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector for all Rwandans.

This report highlights practical, climate-smart solutions and innovative investment strategies that can support Rwanda’s farmers in adapting to climate impacts. By focusing on targeted investments in areas such as irrigation, resilient livestock practices, and nature-based solutions like intercropping, we can help prepare Rwanda’s agricultural landscape to meet future challenges while ensuring immediate benefits.

Achieving this vision will require concerted action and collaboration across public and private sectors, with investors and development partners joining efforts. By equipping farmers with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need, we can ensure that they are better prepared for climate change and positioned to lead sustainable growth.

This report outlines key investment opportunities that not only offer potential financial returns but also support the long-term resilience of Rwanda’s agricultural sector. By embracing these opportunities, we can contribute to a future where Rwanda’s agriculture sector adapts and thrives in the face of change, fostering a more resilient and prosperous nation.