Karoll Valentina Yomayuza

Geoscientist with a master's degree in science journalism and social studies of science. She possesses a diverse background in biophysical, social, and communication research, making her a versatile communicator capable of engaging with diverse audiences in various communication formats.

Valentina's notable commitment lies in projects that align with Sustainable Development Goals, heritage preservation, conservation, and food security. Alongside her academic training, she has developed expertise in programming, multimedia tools, and has completed courses in Museology, Pedagogy for Geoscientific Dissemination, Social Networks, Gender Analytics and Astrophysics. Fluent in Spanish and English, with intermediate knowledge of Italian, Karoll possesses strong language skills for effective communication.

Actively involved in mentoring programs and volunteering initiatives, Valentina demonstrates her dedication to science communication and her drive to bridge the gap between research and the broader public. Her goal is to contribute to a more informed and sustainable society through her passion and expertise in science communication.