Market segmentation (G + Customer and Product Profile Tools) for Gender Responsive Bean Breeding in Zimbabwe
Household and dietary assessment of women within the reproductive age of 18 to 45 years and adolescents in Vihiga County , Kenya (July 2023)
Quantifying Turkana’s wild edible plants’ contribution to critical micronutrient and dietary diversity among women of reproductive age
Environnement alimentaire autour du collège de Boukombé et perception des élèves sur cet environnement
Understanding market preferences for nutritious foods in urban Ethiopia – A discrete choice experiment approach
Mid-term impact assessment report: Odisha Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement Program (OPELIP)
Improve household dietary diversity and food consumption patterns through home garden produce. A capacity building training
Policy Brief sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional: La experiencia de la iniciativa regional AgriLAC Resiliente en Guatemala.
Understanding climate-smart nutritious food: the role of home-grown school feeding programs in creating demand
Understanding school food provision in the Pacific: Scoping the potential of local food systems to improve diets, nutrition and livelihoods (2022-2024)
Multivariate data analysis assisted mining of nutri-rich genotypes from North Eastern Himalayan germplasm collection of Perilla (Perilla frutescens L.)
Women's empowerment along the agriculture to nutrition pathways: Exploring the impact of a participatory nutrition sensitive project in Western Kenya