Editorial: Realizing livelihood and environmental benefits of forages in tropical crop-tree-livestock systems
Las dimensiones institucionales y estructurales de los Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en Colombia: el caso de los sistemas silvopastoriles
Editorial: Beyond the food systems framework: food system transitions toward sustainable healthy diets in low and middle -income countries
Preferencias de los productores pecuarios en la adopción de tecnologías forrajeras de la región Caribe y la orinoquía Colombiana
Les engrais verts et les cultures de couverture au Bénin - informations tirées de la revue littéraire, de l'évaluation agronomique et de la modélisation de la durabilité des systèmes de culture
Report on the cost-benefit analysis for integrating new forage technologies in cattle production systems in Kenya and Ethiopia
Informe avances actividades CIAT de evaluación de cultivares comerciales de pastos en zonas ganaderas de influencia de proyectos financiados por IFC en Nicaragua
Determinants for smallholder farmers’ adoption of improved forages in dairy production systems: The case of Tanga region , Tanzania
Why the Great Food Transformation may not happen – A deep-dive into our food systems’ political economy, controversies and politics of evidence
On (Dis) connections and transformations: The role of the agricultural innovation system in the adoption of improved forages in Colombia
Data synthesis of multiple on-farm trials to generate regional variety recommendations: the case of common bean in Central America