Training video on the integration of the leguminous Mucuna cover crop in coffee and banana systems in central Africa.
Innovation packages and scaling readiness workshop: Thermotolerant peste des petits ruminants vaccine
Análisis multinivel: Retos y oportunidades para el estudio de los procesos de innovación en América Latina
Indian government endorses CGIAR Gender Researchers' Network: A credible resource for recommendations on agri-food systems research, policies, and investments
Fortalecimiento agropecuario en Honduras: Asistencia técnica e integración con mercados de café y frijol
Identifying and selecting socio-technical innovations for women’s empowerment and resilience: A framework for conducting situational analysis
A systems approach for more effective and inclusive agricultural innovation for sustainable transformation: A call to action, reflection and five research commentaries
Remote sensing-based information and insurance for crops in emerging economies: Case of Cote D’Ivoire
Digital AgroClimate Advisory (DACA): A web and mobile digital application for provision of actionable crop and climate recommendations along agricultural value chains
When interventions reach women, but women do not automatically benefit; the case of landscape restoration through commercial community tree nurseries (CCTNs) in Burundi (exploratory study)
Embracing forage technologies in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam: Lessons from the Li-Chan Project and recommendations for future endeavors
Building a sustainable business strategy for delivering artificial insemination service for cattle in the North-West Highlands in Vietnam