On (Dis)Connections and Transformations: The role of the agricultural innovation system in the adoption of improved forages in Colombia
Towards whitefly resistance in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz): Discovery, development, and strategy
Cattle farmer preferences and sustainable intensification: A Discrete Choice Experiment in the Colombian Amazon
Information exchange patterns of cattle farmers along a socio-economic gradient between deforestation frontier and Andean foothill in the Colombian Amazon
Cassava flour processors in Democratic Republic of Congo have increased their production capacity, incomes, and profitability by using the Efficient Small-scale Flash Dryer innovation
The status of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the cultivation and usage of improved forages in Kenya and Uganda
Information exchange patterns and technology adoption behavior of cattle farmers in the Colombian Amazon
Línea de tiempo 50 años de crecimiento en el CIAT: Forjando la sostenibilidad alimentaria futura desde 1967
Participatory methodologies for sustainable technological innovation in cocoa systems: at the Colombian southwest region
Viabilidad de semillas: muestreo secuencial en dos pasos para monitoreo. II Simposio de Semillas Neotropicales XI Congreso Colombiano De Botànica, Villavicencio (Colombia) noviembre 08 de 2022