Phylogeography and conservation gaps of Musa balbisiana Colla genetic diversity revealed by microsatellite markers
Diversity of Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) landraces from Liangshan, Southwest China: Evidence from morphology and SSR markers
Genetic diversity and structure of Musa balbisiana populations in Vietnam and its implications for the conservation of banana crop wild relatives
SNP-based genotyping and whole-genome sequencing reveal previously unknown genetic diversity in Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum, causal agent of banana xanthomonas wilt, in its presumed Ethiopian origin
Integrating conventional and participatory crop improvement for smallholder agriculture using the seeds for needs approach: A review
Beyond fixes that fail: identifying sustainable improvements to tree seed supply and farmer participation in forest and landscape restoration
Initial investment in diversity is the efficient thing to do for resilient forest landscape restoration