Is climate exacerbating the root causes of conflict in Mali? A climate security analysis through a structural equation modeling approach
Summary presentation: Regional policy coherence analysis to scale up action and achievements of the Great Green Wall Initiative
Regional policy coherence analysis to scale up action and achievements of the Great Green Wall Initiative
Building the capacity of local partners and government staff on climate smart agriculture technologies and climate change programming. Training Workshop Report
ag5Tools: An R package for downloading and extracting agrometeorological data from the AgERA5 database
Soil carbon stocks in tropical pasture systems in Colombia’s Orinoquía region: supporting readiness for climate finance
Toward a digital One CGIAR: Strategic research on digital transformation in food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis
How are smallholder households coping with and adapting to climate-related shocks in Doyogena climate-smart landscapes, Ethiopia?
Hacia una cadena de cacao y chocolate libre de deforestación y baja en emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la región Ucayali
Hacia una cadena de palma aceitera, que contribuya a la conservación de bosques y reducción de gases de efecto invernadero en la región Ucayali
Moving towards a palm oil value chain that contributes to the conservation of forests and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
South India projected to be susceptible to high future groundnut failure rates for future climate change and geo -engineered scenarios
Who bears the burden of climate variability? A comparative analysis of the impact of weather conditions on inequality in Vietnam and Indonesia
Moving towards a deforestation-free cacao and chocolate value chain with low greenhouse gas emissions
CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: I. Accelerating crop breeding for a changing climate
Análisis del impacto del cambio climático sobre la aptitud de los cultivos de Marañón, Mango, Jocote y Albaricoque para Honduras, con énfasis en la zona de Choluteca y Valle