A simple age-structured, temperature-dependent population growth model of brown rice hopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stal))
Facilitation tools to enhance the alignment of scientific technical assistance with agribusinesses and create buy-in among key stakeholders: Mutual interview protocol
Challenges and opportunities for increased participation of women and minorities in capacity development climate programs: CLIFF-Grads case study
Validation workshop on tailoring the digital agro-climate advisory (HingaSmart) platform for Ghana’s context
Arquitectura de software del sistema de catálogo de datos (data catalogue) para compartir información agroclimática en Guatemala - Data Hub
Overcoming climate and conflict: Promoting peace and resilience in a post-conflict region of the Philippines
CGIAR’s submission of its views on the tenth technical expert dialogue and the second meeting under the ad hoc work programme on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance
Joint submission by the CGIAR, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP): Views on the eleventh technical expert…
Scaling climate resilience in Ghana's savannah maize belt: Leveraging smart production, soil technologies, and capacity strengthening
Navigating the climate-finance landscape in Eastern Africa: An exploration of climate and agriculture finance instruments
Facilitation tools to enhance the alignment of scientific technical assistance with agribusinesses and create buy-in among key stakeholders: Communication framework
Global analysis of social learning’s archetypes in natural resource management: understanding pathways of co-creation of knowledge
Rwanda Launches Clim-ARM Investment Blueprints: "Integrating Weather and Climate Analytics into Agricultural Risk Management” to drive Climate-Smart Agricultural Investments
Compilado de poster referentes a servicios climáticos, diseño centrado en el humano, genero e inclusión social