Endline Survey Dataset on Agricultural Practices, Dietary Diversity, Socio-Economic Indicators, and Household Decision -Making in Vihiga County, Kenya (2020)
Baseline Survey Dataset on Agricultural Practices, Dietary Diversity, and Socio-Economic Indicators in Vihiga County, Kenya (2018)
Baseline Survey Data on Crop Insurance Uptake and Agricultural Practices Among Smallholder Farming Households in Kenya.
Guidance note for practitioners leveraging climate-smart agriculture for peace: Insights from a bundle of interventions in Ghana
Promoting the access and adoption of climate smart agriculture innovations through capacity building in Makindu Sub -County Kenya.
Exploring the role of community level social capital in the context of climate-smart agriculture: Field notes from Cauca , Colombia
Establishing AICCRA demonstration fields to improve adoptive capabilities of farmers to address climate change in the Kumbungu District of the northern region of Ghana – A field day
Establishment of the national science-policy dialogue platform on climate change, agriculture and food security in the framework of the ProPAD project in CHAD: Technical workshop report
Implementation and scaling of climate-smart financing solutions in Kenya's sorghum value chain. Post-investment report
Etude de base communautaire pour la mise en place de village intelligent face au climat à Maïbéssé, Province de Moyen -Chari au TCHAD
De-risking maize commodity from climate induced risks across Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute‘s Agricultural Commercialization Clusters (ACCs) in Ethiopia
Understanding climate-smart nutritious food: the role of home-grown school feeding programs in creating demand
Replicating agri-SME success across West Africa and the Sahel: Scaling gender-smart agribusiness accelerators
Exploring peace and conflict dynamics in climate smart villages: Assessing co- benefits and risks of climate adaptation practices in West Africa