
ERA long-term experiment data and analytics (EiA2030/ERA_ltes R-code github)

This repository, developed under the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) Initiative, focuses on the analysis of long-term agronomic experiments (LTEs) to better understand the relationships between agricultural practices, climatic factors, and experimental outcomes. The dataset comprises 34,815 individual observations from 181 LTEs, derived from 211 publications across 260 sites in 28 countries (as of 2025-10-01 v0.0.1_alpha). This analysis explores a wide array of agronomic management practices, including crop rotation, fertilization, and intercropping, along with their impacts on productivity, economic performance, and sustainability.

The accompanying R Markdown vignette facilitates systematic mapping, geospatial visualization, and climate impact analyses using robust statistical methods. Users can integrate NASA POWER and CHIRPS climate data to examine the role of precipitation, temperature, and other climatic variables in influencing agronomic outcomes. The dataset and tools are open-access and reusable for researchers and practitioners aiming to advance agricultural adaptation and mitigation strategies under climate change.

This work has been made possible through funding from the CGIAR Climate Action Lever and represents a collaboration of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT.