Leveraging CSA Multi-Stakeholder Platforms for Sustainable Investment and Action: Lessons from Eastern and Southern Africa
Enabling gender and social inclusion in climate and agriculture policy and planning through foresight processes: assessing challenges and leverage points
Co-conception d’un modèle de village intelligent face au climat ou climate smart village à Ouda, dans le Centre-Sud du Burkina Faso
Technical Assistance of the Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT ) to the Agricultural Technologies and Innovations for Increasing the Resilience of Family Farming Production Systems in West and…
Technical Assistance of the Alliance of Bioversity International and International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT ) to Agricultural Productivity & Climate Resilience Enhancement Project in Tchad (TA-ProPAD): Achievements and lessons learnt
Strengthening climate resilience: ECREA's project workshop highlights for Tanzania's bean value chain: Workshop report
Improving resilience to climate change in Rwanda's value chain: Lessons from the ECREA project workshop in Muhanga. Workshop report
Empowering Agriculture through Agro Climate Advisory Committees (AACs) and Radio Listeners Clubs (RLCs) in Kenya: Workshop report
Enhancing climate resilience in Uganda's bean value chain: Insights from the ECREA project workshop: Workshop report
Establishing Demonstration Farms in Ghana: Learning, Observation and Discussion Among Smallholder Farmers
Modèle de village climato-intelligent ou Climate Smart Village (CSV) au Niger: Cas du village de Kiéché
Integrating meta-analysis and experts’ knowledge for prioritizing climate-smart agricultural practices in Ethiopian
Climate-smart agriculture reduces capital-based livelihoods vulnerability: Evidence from Latin America
Smart farming technologies for sustainable agriculture: A review of the promotion and adoption strategies by smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa
Identification and prioritization of context-specific climate smart agricultural (CSA) practices in Ethiopia: A framework approach
How using weather and climate information services may impact farm productivity and technical efficiency: Evidence from cowpea and sesame producers in Burkina Faso
Gendered evaluation of impacts of landscape degradation and restoration on ecosystem services: perspectives from paired husbands and wives in Ethiopia
Coordinated implementation of climate-smart practices in coffee farming increases benefits at farm, landscape and global scale
Formulation and implementation of climate‑smart agriculture projects integrated, participatory, and village‑based approaches: Training manual and orientation guide
Formulation et mise en œuvre de projets d’agriculture climato-intelligents approches intégrées, participatives et villageoises : Manuel de formation et Guide d’orientation