GANSO: Advancing sustainable livestock farming in Colombia through an innovative business model and technical assistance
The Digital Genebank and its contribution in mining alleles in cassava landraces for climate adaptation
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank. Farmers’ handbook (Booklet 1 of 3). [Ma’di version]
Intervenciones integradas para fortalecer la resiliencia de productores de cacao frente la amenaza del cambio climático en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú
BRIEF 4 – Economic analysis of climate-smart agriculture interventions for goat farming households in Nepal and their marginal costs of abatement
BRIEF 2 – Comparative analysis of goat farming systems in Nepal and their mitigation potential: Comparing results from Heifer and non-Heifer supported cooperatives
BRIEF 3 – Assessing the soil health of three goat farming districts in Nepal: Insights for improved farm management
Range-wide differential adaptation and genomic vulnerability in critically endangered Asian rosewoods
Agroecology can promote climate change adaptation outcomes without compromising yield in smallholder systems
Radio spots with agroclimatic information from the Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees (LTAC) for the ASO 2022 climate forecast in Eastern Guatemala (Spanish)
Kenya National Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Climate Action Reporting Requirements. [Module 1]
Radio spots with agroclimatic information from the Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees for the ASO 2022 climate forecast (Spanish)
How policies influence smallholder farmers’ access to and use of genetic resources in three East African countries
Can an innovation platform support a local process of climate-smart agriculture implementation? A case study in Cauca, Colombia