Silvopastoral systems and their role in climate change mitigation and nationally determined contributions in Latin America
Climate security mapping for targeted humanitarian and resilience WFP interventions in Mali: Climate security hotspots and food security insights
Assessing the climate security sensitivity of Mercy Corps’ Regional Livestock Program in Eastern Africa
Engaging stakeholders in co-creating integrated models for informing adaptation in agriculture in Zimbabwe, Ghana and Senegal
Assessing climate action interventions along the humanitarian-development-peace nexus: A methodology tailored for evaluating contributions to resilience in destination areas
Climate-informed agronomic advisories for maize in Colombia: Progress report for the Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) initiative Latin America Use Case
Financial tools for enhancing smallholder farmers' climate resilience: Strategies for synergizing insurance and credit
Enhancing agricultural insurance uptake: Addressing behavioral challenges and market contextualization
Localizing climate finance in Kenyan counties: Unlocking opportunities for climate-smart agriculture investments
What do we know about effectiveness of adaptation in reducing climate risks? A review of methodologies and evidence on adaptations in the agri-food systems
Women-led cooperative driving adoption of climate-smart agriculture strategies in Makindu, Makueni County
AICCRA validation report: Piloting and validating the Climate Security Sensitivity Scoring Tool (CSST): Evidence from the field on the climate security sensitivity of the climate smart village approach in Cinzana, Mali.
Assessment of the satisfaction of partners on site-specific fertilizer recommendations in selected districts of Ethiopia
Climate change adaptation options to inform planning of agriculture and food systems in The Gambia: A systematic approach for stocktaking
L’intégration du pois chiche (Cicer arietum) tolérant à la sécheresse en Afrique Centrale offre une opportunité d ’étendre la production agricole à la saison sèche et d’améliorer l’alimentation et la sécurité nutritionnelle
Supporting agri-food projects to implement climate change adaptation through the interactive online tool ‘CRISP’
Sowing seeds of change, joining forces to build resilience in agricultural communities by integrating climate, peace, and security