Local technical agro-climatic committee implementation guide: experiences from Battambang and Kampong Speu provinces in Cambodia
Intervenciones integradas para fortalecer la resiliencia de productores de cacao frente la amenaza del cambio climático
Physiological responses of rosewoods Dalbergia cochinchinensis and D. oliveri under drought and heat stresses
Assessing the risk of climate change to select agricultural systems in the world’s most vulnerable regions
Tackling the implementation gap of climate adaptation strategies: understanding policy translation in Brazil and Colombia
Disaster risk management, or adaptation to climate change? The elaboration of climate policies related to agriculture in Colombia
Cost-benefit analysis of prioritized climate adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers: Evidence from selected value chains across sub-Saharan Africa
Rural livelihood diversification decreases vulnerability to climate change in the Andean-Amazon foothills
Adaptation and Valorization of Entrepreneurship in Irrigated Agriculture: Nutrition Mainstreaming - AVENIR Project
Plan comunitario de resiliencia al cambio climático, Caseríos: Las Casitas, Hato Viejo, El Jocote. Municipio El Corpus, Choluteca. Honduras
Análisis de rentabilidad de prácticas resilientes al clima en la producción de Marañón en el Golfo de Fonseca – Honduras
Plan comunitario de resiliencia al cambio climático: Caseríos: el Rodeíto, el Naranjo, Sabana Larga, El Corpus Choluteca