Dealing with cross-sectoral policy problems: An advocacy coalition approach to climate and water policy integration in Northeast Brazil
A policy mix approach for assessing rural household resilience to climate shocks: Insights from Northeast Brazil
The role of gender and institutional dynamics in adapting seed systems to climate change: case studies from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Unravelling drivers of high variability of on-farm cocoa yields across environmental gradients in Ghana
Projet d’Adaptation et de Valorisation Entrepreneuriale en Irrigation Rural & agricole: Intégration de la Nutrition - AVENIR project
A synthesis of policy issues and recommendations towards enhancing access to and utilization of agricultural genetic resources for climate-change adaptation in East Africa: Report of a Regional Policy Workshop, 1-2 April 2021, Kisumu, Kenya
Land and water systems: looking to the future and a more resilient and sustainable society and environment
Mobilizing crop diversity for climate change adaptation and resilience: Field experiences from Africa