Rwanda - Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT

Rwanda, known as the "land of a thousand hills", is characterized by its mountainous western region and southeastern savannas, with numerous lakes across the country. The climate varies from temperate to subtropical, with two rainy seasons per year, making it well-suited for agriculture due to consistent rainfall and fertile volcanic soils that support a diversity of crops. 

Since 1984 the Alliance has made contributions to farming in Rwanda, focusing on agriculture, environment, and nutrition. Our Rwandan team's expertise ranges from landscape restoration to agrobiodiversity conservation. Our work also addresses market systems, health, nutrition and conservation, making us a valuable partner for Rwanda's agricultural and research sectors. The Alliance's team in Rwanda is hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources through the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Board (RAB) in Kigali. The Alliance is also accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MINAFET) of Rwanda, granting diplomatic status.

In Rwanda, the Alliance collaborates with national institutions, NGOs, and the private sector, focusing on research for development. The organization has worked closely with RAB and other national research institutions, aligning its work with Rwanda's development priorities and strategic plans for agriculture transformation. Research areas include nutrition, market linkages, farmer capacity building, and engagement with the private sector. The Alliance's work in Rwanda focuses on beans, nutrition, climate change, soil and water management, forages, gender empowerment, and linking farmers to markets.

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A hillside of climbing beans in Ruhengeri, northwestern Rwanda. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT/Neil Palmer

Our Thematic Areas of Focus in Rwanda

The Alliance's work in Rwanda covers these thematic areas:

The Impact of our Work in Rwanda

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The impact of improved climbing beans in Rwanda. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT / Neil Palmer

Our work in Rwanda has made significant strides in promoting agricultural development, environmental conservation, and socio-economic well-being, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future for Rwandan farmers and communities. 

  • Improved Bean Varieties: The Alliance made significant contribution to the recent release of 19 new bean varieties, significantly boosting yields and nutrition for Rwandan households. 

  • Climate Adaptation: Climate service training for farmers has  empowered over 111,000 farmers to adapt to changing climate conditions. 

  • Empowering Women and Youth: Our projects focused on financial inclusion and non-traditional agricultural export commodity opportunities have benefited women and youth in rural areas. 

  • Enhanced Nutrition: The introduction of biofortified beans and fast-cooking varieties has improved nutrition and reduced energy consumption. 

  • Strengthened Market Linkages: Efforts to improve bean productivity and marketing have led to the establishment of the Rwanda Bean Platform, enhancing production, trade and nutrition. 


  • Introduction of biofortified high-iron beans to combat iron deficiency and anemia, improving nutrition and health outcomes

  • Implementation of the Climate Services for Agriculture project, funded by USAID, empowering over 111,000 farmers with climate information and advisory services

  • Release of 19 new bean varieties, including 13 climbing beans and 8 high-iron and zinc beans, enhancing yields and nutritional content

  • Launch of the BRAINS Project to build climate resilience among women and young farmers, aiming to benefit 1 million people in Rwanda through climate-smart agriculture technologies. 

  • Introduction of school feeding innovations based on value-added nutrient-rich bean products using a value chain-based approach  

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Mokamorigo Tamali, a smallholder from Okara Sector, harvests Climate Smart Brachiaria from her field to feed her cattle, Okara Sector, Rwanda. Credit: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT / Stephanie Malyon

Projects and Flagship Initiatives

The Alliance works within the CGIAR framework, implementing and supporting flagship projects in Rwanda to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis.  

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Our office in Rwanda

Alliance - Rwanda Office
Kacyiru, KG 564ST
PO Box 1269
Kigali, Rwanda
Phone: +250 788 303428
Contact person: Eliud Abucheli Birachi (

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