The Clim-ARM project is led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (CGIAR), funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), and implemented with local partners in Rwanda and Ethiopia.
The Project
The project aims to draw on the best expertise in agricultural risk management and climate risk and forecast assessment to develop investment blueprints for integrated weather and climate services (WCS) necessary for high impact investments in agricultural risk management.
Clim-ARM builds on previous analyses and methods developed by the Alliance and partners, aiming to evolve towards more granular and investment-oriented analyses of opportunities for the deployment of agricultural risk management solutions. This analytical work will support identifying promising solutions to mainstream integrated bundles of WCS adapted to the specific context and needs of small-scale producers (SSP), with particular emphasis in this first stage on Ethiopia and Rwanda. Clim-ARM will collaborate with local stakeholders from public and private sectors to develop investment blueprints for integrated WCS necessary for high impact investments in agricultural risk management.
Workshop objective, expected output and proposed solution
Clim-ARM’s proposed solution is to identify and roadmap evidence-based methods and best practices to develop investment blueprints for tailored ARM practices (informed by climate analytics) and services necessary for improved WCS. The primary outcome of the project is to develop “a set of improved agricultural risk management (ARM) tools integrating weather and climate services.
Workshop objective:
The national workshop will serve to prioritize rural livelihood, agricultural value chains and related stakeholders to engage in the development of national investment blueprints for prioritized ARM solutions in Rwanda.
Expected outputs of the workshop:
Stakeholders’ feedback on choices of value chains and focus zones.
Stakeholder engagement strategy in Rwanda.
Stakeholder feedback on proposed Clim-ARM methodology, activities and workplan.