Tapping into the wealth of local banana diversity for pest and disease resistance and consumer acceptability: A catalogue of the most popular cultivars in local markets across the world
Potential of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to mitigate methane emissions from irrigated systems in Latin America and the Caribbean
Effects of plant densities on the performance of common bean varieties in multiple environments of northwestern Tanzania
Characterization of bean seed producers, seed production and marketing in Eastern and Southern Africa
Data-driven, participatory characterization of farmer varieties discloses teff breeding potential under current and future climates
TARIBAN1, TARIBAN2, TARIBAN3, and TARIBAN4 ‘Matooke’ cooking banana cultivars for the Great Lakes Region of Africa
ag5Tools: An R package for downloading and extracting agrometeorological data from the AgERA5 database
Wheat Panache: A pangenome graph database representing presence–absence variation across sixteen bread wheat genome
Adoption of cassava improved modern varieties in the Colombian Caribbean Region using DNA fingerprinting
Colorado State University and the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT launch project that will contribute to breeding new rice varieties resistant to heat and diseases
Informe avances actividades CIAT de evaluación de cultivares comerciales de pastos en zonas ganaderas de influencia de proyectos financiados por IFC en Nicaragua
Profiling of phenolic compounds of fruit peels of different ecotype bananas derived from domestic and imported cultivars with different maturity
Avena sativa AV25-T (Altoandina) supplementation as alternative for Colombia's high-altitude dairy systems: An economic analysis
Adoption of cassava improved modern varieties in the Cauca department in Colombia using DNA fingerprinting
Enhancing access to genetic resources for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: Seed catalogues of best perfoming varieties of finger millet and sorghum in Nyando, Kenya
Enhancing access to genetic resources for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: Seed catalogue of best performing varieties of beans and finger millet in Hoima Uganda