
Enhancing access to genetic resources for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: Seed catalogues of best perfoming varieties of finger millet and sorghum in Nyando, Kenya

Agricultural production and food security of resource poor farmers is increasingly under a serious threat of climate change. In East Africa specifically Kenya, there has been emergence of new pests and diseases, prolonged and increased incidences of droughts, reduced biodiversity due to unsustainable farming practices that have greatly narrowed gene pool from which farmers can depend on for their food security and resilience.. The project “Promoting Open Source Seed Systems for Beans, Millet and Sorghum for Climate Change Adaptation” funded by the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) was implemented in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Through this project, sorghum, finger millet and beans were shared by three national genebanks in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Farmers in Nyando Kenya were able to test 52 Sorghum and 48 finger millet varieties over 3 years and eventually selected 10 best performing varieties for each crop based on attributes like pest and disease resistance, early maturity, yield, drought and flood tolerance and good taste. This catalogue presents the best performing varieties of sorghum and fingermillet in nyando and details the agronomic attributes and nutritional benefits of the varieties. The selected varieties are the best materials that have been identified as possible candidates for further breeding and development.