The impact of agricultural credit on the cattle inventory and deforestation in Colombia: A spatial analysis
Evaluating Alliance Bioversity & CIAT’s role in transforming National Food Systems in Vietnam (2023- 2030)
Strengthening climate resilience: ECREA's project workshop highlights for Tanzania's bean value chain: Workshop report
Improving resilience to climate change in Rwanda's value chain: Lessons from the ECREA project workshop in Muhanga. Workshop report
Empowering Agriculture through Agro Climate Advisory Committees (AACs) and Radio Listeners Clubs (RLCs) in Kenya: Workshop report
Enhancing climate resilience in Uganda's bean value chain: Insights from the ECREA project workshop: Workshop report
Adapting green innovation centers to climate change: Reducing post- harvest loss and improving processing for target groups.
Community-led interventions buffer against impacts of extreme drought in drylands: A case of Turkana county, Kenya
Peacebuilding in rural Colombia— A collective perception of the integrated rural reform (IRR) in the department of Caquetá (Amazon)
Dataset with the experiences on integrated landscape management across Latin America and the Caribbean