Using typologies to target private sector investments in gender equality and social inclusion in agrifood supply chains: Methodological guidance and good practices
Harnessing agroecology, agrobiodiversity and family farming to transform food systems and halt biodiversity loss: The role of incentives and investment
Reporte de incentivos e inversiones del sector privado para una transición agroecológica en la región Ucayali
Agroecological Investment Cases in Kenya: Investment cases for selected agroecological business enterprises in Kenya
Major impact investor group mobilizes USD 106 million for a climate-smart food systems strategy designed with Alliance -led CCAFS technical guidance.
Are the metrics that companies use effective for monitoring supply chain sustainability? A closer look at cocoa and rice
Catalyzing new business models: The transformative influence of the partnership platform for the Amazon (PPA) on sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon
Unlocking Investments for Climate Resilient Agri-food Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Policy Keys to Climate Resilience
Financial tools for enhancing smallholder farmers' climate resilience: Strategies for synergizing insurance and credit