A science-based investment due diligence & screening methodology co-developed with Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) to assess CSA impact in their $20 million agribusiness in Africa window round 2 program
Assessing returns to research investments in rice varietal development: Evidence from the Philippines and Bangladesh
Infografía de modelo de inversión cero deforestación y bajo en emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI)
Migration, environmental change and agrarian transition in upland regions: learning from Ethiopia, Kenya and Nepal
Is investment in Climate-Smart-agricultural practices the option for the future? Cost and benefit analysis evidence from Ghana
Informe RIOS: Identificando sitios para implementar prácticas ASAC, en donde se maximice el retorno ecológico. Cuenca "La Carreta" y "Santa Isabel"
Sustainable livestock development in low and middle income countries - shedding light on evidence-based solutions
New development partnership brings much-needed investment for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon