Beyond emissions reduction: A framework for integrating climate-change mitigation and sustainable development goals
Agronomic assessment of agroecological technologies codesigned and experimented with the dairy farmers members of the Agroecological Living Landscape of Burkina Faso
Beyond emissions reduction: A framework for integrating climate-change mitigation and sustainable development goals
A monitoring and evaluation framework on capacity-strengthening for gender-and youth-responsive research: A user guide
Identifying and selecting socio-technical innovations for women’s empowerment and resilience: A framework for conducting situational analysis
Report of the Mitigate+ Scoring Workshop to evaluate the scalability of innovations for reducing food system GHG emission while achieving SDG co-benefits in Kenya
Reporte de Talleres para el desarrollo del Marco Nacional de Servicios Climáticos de Guatemala-Paso 2
Combining experts’ knowledge and meta-analysis in prioritizing and packaging Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices in Ethiopia
Public policies for the development of sustainable cattle sector with silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica
Co-production opportunities seized and missed in decision-support frameworks for climate-change adaptation in agriculture – How do we practice the “best practice”?
Political Economy and Policy Analysis (PEPA) Sourcebook. A guide to generating evidence for National Policies and Strategies (NPS) for food, land, and water systems transformation
Identification and Prioritization of Context-Specific Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Major Agro-ecological Zones of Ethiopia
The measure of agroecology: Developing an assessment framework to capture economic, environmental and social impacts of agriculture and food systems
Informing the future through foresight and metrics to accelerate food, land, and water system transformation
A benchmarking framework for water use, soil health, land use, productivity, biodiversity, and climate change impacts of livestock modelled with CLEANED