Uniendo fuerzas para proteger la Amazonía: ¿Es posible combinar instrumentos financieros con incentivos de conservación y restauración de bosques?
Análisis y priorización de alternativas de producción sostenible para las comunidades de Alto Wangki Bocay (AWB), Nicaragua
Analysis and prioritization of sustainable livelihood alternatives for the Central Belize River Valley Communities
Assessment of potential climate change impacts on montane forests in the Peruvian Andes: Implications for conservation prioritization
The effects of armed conflict on forest cover changes across temporal and spatial scales in the Colombian Amazon
Genetic diversity of Astronium graveolens Jacq. in Colombian seasonally dry tropical forest: Support for the dry forest refugia hypothesis?
Moving towards a palm oil value chain that contributes to the conservation of forests and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
Conceptual links between landscape diversity and diet diversity: A roadmap for transdisciplinary research
New study: In Colombia, cacao isn’t causing significant deforestation but could help reduce forest loss and conflict
Sustainable land use systems: A way to help achieve Colombia’s climate change mitigation and peacebuilding goals
During peacetime, a sound strategy for saving Colombian forests? A new study points to collective land titling