Ehsan Dulloo

Dr. Ehsan Dulloo works as Honorary Research Fellow at ‘Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT’ and is a free-lance consultant in the field of agrobiodiversity. He retired as Principal Scientist at the Alliance in November 2022. He also served as Senior Policy Officer, Plant Genetic Resources, at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Project Manager of World Bank GEF Biodiversity restoration project in Mauritius with Mauritian Wildlife Foundation and Assistant Conservator of Forest in the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mauritius.

Ehsan’s expertise is in biodiversity conservation focusing on ex situ and in situ conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Among his major achievements, Dr. Dulloo co-led Alliance Agrobiodiversity Index project which won the Curt Bergfors Foundation 2023 Food Planet Prize, led the revision of the FAO International genebank standards, conceptualized the World Bank 2009 award winning proposal “Seeds for Needs” in Ethiopia on the use of genebank material in adapting to climate change, led the establishment of the CGIAR Crop Genebank Knowledge Base, and helped in the establishment of the first National Park in Mauritius.

He was lead author of Chapter 2.2 Status and Trends – Nature of IPBES 2019 Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services’, chapter on in situ conservation of PGRFA of FAO first, second and third State of the World Reports on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report. Dr. Dulloo has been Chair and co-Chair of IUCN/SSC Indian Ocean Plants Specialist Group and the Crop Wild Relative Specialist Group, and member of its Plant Sub-Committee and has produced over 150 publications.

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