CGIAR Report to the Twentieth Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Harnessing the power of citizen science for agroecological transitions: The case of the One Million Voices of Agroecology Initiative and Digital Platform
Training report on EiA cropping calendar & bundled agro-advisory tool in Northern Ghana: Pilot results
Will agricultural digitalization deliver relative advantages in quality of work, productivity, profitability, return on investments, and reliability? Perceptions of Canadian producers
Decisiones más informadas en agricultura con el apoyo de inteligencia artificial y estrategias digitales centradas en el humano
Webinar: Error 404, farmer not found. Why agricultural information services must consider how smallholders use their phones
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Mekong River Delta, Vietnam
Opportunity profile for digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar
Validation workshop on tailoring the digital agro-climate advisory (HingaSmart) platform for Ghana’s context
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia
Opportunity profile for Digital Climate Advisory and Bundled Services (DCAS+) - Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar
Error 404, farmer not found: Why agricultural information services must consider how smallholders use their phones
Un plan paso a paso para integrar el conocimiento adquirido en la parcela digital y diplomados en los programas académicos.