Outcome Harvesting: Assessment of the transformations generated by Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees In Latin America
Costs and benefits of climate-smart agriculture practices: Evidence from intercropping and crop rotation of maize with soybean in rural Tanzania
Review of policies and frameworks on climate change, agriculture, food and nutrition security in Rwanda
Una Alianza para Acelerar el Cambio. Soluciones de sistemas alimentarios en el nexo entre agricultura, medio ambiente y nutrición - Estrategia 2020–2025.
An Alliance for Accelerated Change: Food system solutions at the nexus of agriculture, environment, and nutrition - Strategy 2020–2025
Subnational climate-smart agriculture (CSA) action planning: Lessons learned with Veronica Ndetu, head of the Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture
El CIAT, el Banco Mundial y socios anuncian iniciativa de perfiles nacionales para Agricultura Digital
Climate-smart agriculture profiles: A peek into 2050 and what can be done for Asia’s most at-risk countries