The climate smart villages are acknowledge by UN Environment
Press and News
The Climate Smart Villages approach has been recognized by the Latin America Adaptation Awards, during National Adaption Plan Expo Regional, organized by Regatta initiative from UN Environment with the support of Spain government.
The Climate Smart Villages approach proves once again its capacity of innovation in adapting to climate change and its positive impact in rural communities, on this occasion by receiving the Latin America Adaptation Awards in the Influencer category.
The award ceremony will take place during National Adaption Plan Expo Regional in Panama in October 22-23, acknowledging how the CSV approach facilitates the adoption of climate smart agricultural practices by farmers increasing their resilience to climate change, improving their food security and incomes.
Hundreds of farmers in Latin America have adopted climate smart agricultural practices, working together with government institutions, no governmental organizations, research centers, universities and local communities.
Deissy Martínez Barón, Regional Program Coordinator for Latin America of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), led by CIAT, will receive the acknowledgment: “we receive this recognition as an impulse to keep generating evidence on climate smart agriculture and finding ways to scale it to other countries on the region”.
This acknowledgment makes us proud and encourages us to keep generating evidence on the effectiveness of climate smart agriculture and its importance to face climate change, improve productivity and boost rural development.