Capacity building program to improve stakeholder resilience and adaptation to climate change in Jamaica (CBCA)
Climate Smart Crop-Small Ruminant Value Chain: a Rapid Assessment of Gender Gaps and Opportunities In Doyogena, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Generating evidence on gender sensitive Climate-Smart Agriculture to inform policy in Central America: Final technical project report
Designing a modular approach towards innovation (Example: Developing and scaling Climate-Information Services)
Kế hoạch nhân rộng mô hình “Chuyển đổi canh tác lúa thích ứng với Biến đổi khí hậu” tại vùng Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (dự thảo)
Is investment in Climate-Smart-agricultural practices the option for the future? Cost and benefit analysis evidence from Ghana
Socioeconomic factors influencing the choice of climate-smart soil practices among farmers in western Kenya
2021 - IFAD-EU/CCAFS CSA Monitoring: Basona Werana & Doyogena Climate-Smart Villages, Ethiopia. Rural Household Multi -Indicator Survey (RHoMIS)
Test climate-smart farming practices for increasing productivity of maize-legume system under variable weather conditions