Framework Report for incorporating Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) elements in Climate Information Services (CIS)
The impacts of climate-smart agricultural practices on household income and food security: evidence from Doyogena and Basona climate-smart landscapes
Gender-differentiated perception of climate-smart agricultural practices in contrasting landscapes of the Ethiopian highlands
Scaling the Climate-Smart Village model in national-level programs: The recommendations for adoption in the implementation of the Nông Thôn Mới (Vietnam’s National Target Program on New Rural Development) 2021-2030 Strategy
A data-mining approach for developing site-specific fertilizer response functions across the wheat-growing environments in Ethiopia
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Rural Development Plans in Vietnam—How to Build Resilience at the Interface of Policy and Practice
Exploring Women’s Differentiated Access to Climate-Smart Agricultural Interventions in Selected Climate-Smart Villages of Latin America
Dynamic seed zones to guide climate-smart seed sourcing for tropical dry forest restoration in Colombia
Integrating climate-smart agriculture in regional policy through a fast-track process: Experience from Central America and the Dominican Republic
Scaling of Climate-Smart Agriculture via Climate-Smart Villages in Southeast Asia: Insights and Lessons from Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Cambodia and Myanmar