CLEANED: Un outil rapide d’évaluation ex ante des impacts environnementaux, climatiques et économiques de systèmes de production animale : Formation en ligne des partenaires GIZ en Tunisie
Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Cassava and plantain value chains in Bas-Sassandra, Comoé, and Lagunes Districts, Cote D’Ivoire
Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Potatoes, cocoa, and poultry in Adamawa, Northwest, West and Southwest Cameroon
Consumer Preference Testing of Boiled Sweetpotato Using Crowdsourced Citizen Science in Ghana and Uganda
Sensory evaluation of finger millet and bean products in Hoima Uganda. Report of field work conducted 6-12 September 2019
Citizen’s science approach to climate smart and nutrition sensitive seed value chains for food and nutrition security in Uganda and Ethiopia
Enhancing access to genetic resources for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: Seed catalogue of best performing varieties of beans and finger millet in Hoima Uganda
Enhancing access to genetic resources for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: Seed catalogues of best perfoming varieties of sorghum in Dodoma and Singida Tanzania
Enhancing access to genetic resources for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: Seed catalogues of best perfoming varieties of finger millet and sorghum in Nyando, Kenya
Reducing Climate-Induced Heat Stress in Pigs in Uganda: Policy Actions. Policy engagement workshop report, 10 December 2020