Banana biomass estimation and yield forecasting from non-destructive measurements for two contrasting cultivars and water regimes
The impact of local agrobiodiversity and food interventions on cost, nutritional adequacy, and affordability of women and children's diet in northern Kenya: a modeling exercise
Review of policies and frameworks on climate change, agriculture, food and nutrition security in Rwanda
Seasonal availability, sources, preferences and use of fruits and vegetables in Ibadan, Nigeria: Focus group results from Abàeja and Bagadajé
Banana pest risk assessment along banana trade axes running from low to high altitude sites, in the Eastern DR Congo and in Burundi
Barrier analysis for daily fruit and vegetable consumption among low income consumers in Ibadan, Nigeria
Protein and amino acid composition of different quinoa (chenopodium quinoa willd) cultivars grown under field conditions in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia
Gender analysis of farmers’ perception of improved haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties in the West Region of Cameroon
Differences in crop selection, resource constraints, and crop use values among female- and male-headed smallholder households in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda