Trees and their seed networks: The social dynamics of urban fruit trees and implications for genetic diversity
Monitoring landscape restoration efforts and associated livelihood benefits for smallholder farmers in the Upper Tana Basin of Kenya
Diversity in nutrient content and consumer preferences of sensory attributes of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties in Ugandan agroecosystems
A multi-objective model exploration of banana-canopy management and nutrient input scenarios for optimal banana-legume intercrop performance
Musalogue: Catalogue de germoplasme de Musa. Plantains d’Afrique occidentale et centrale –Collection CARBAP
Gender and social seed networks for climate change adaptation: Evidence from bean, finger millet, and sorghum seed systems in East Africa
Land-use change and Biogeochemical controls of soil CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes in Cameroonian forest landscapes
Enhancing Soil Carbon in East Africa: The biophysical evidence, socio-economic incentives, and policy implications
The integration of shade-sensitive annual crops in Musa spp. plantations in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
An evaluation of multi-stakeholder platforms for scaling land restoration practices in Kilolo and Lushoto districts, Tanzania