Comparative analysis of tomato value chain competitiveness in selected areas of Malawi and Mozambique
Rapid ex-ante environmental impact assessment of livestock intensification strategies on mixed crop-livestock and agro -pastoralist farmers in Tanga region, Tanzania
Payments for ecosystem services in smallholder agriculture: lessons from the Hivos-IIED learning trajectory
Origin, history and future of plant germplasm in Uganda, identifying conservation roles for ethnobotanists
Kiwangaazi (syn 'KABANA 6H') black sigatoka, nematode and banana weevil tolerant 'Matooke' hybrid banana released in Uganda
Field testing a conceptual framework for innovation platform impact assessment: The case of MilkIT dairy platforms in Tanga region, Tanzania
Farm level adoption and spatial diffusion of improved common bean varieties in southern highlands of Tanzania
Assessing the potential of wild foods to reduce the cost of a nutritionally adequate diet: an example from eastern Baringo District, Kenya
Analysis of farmers’ valuation of common bean attributes and preference heterogeneity under environmental stresses of Kenya