Assessing farmers’ perception for resilience of socio-ecological production landscapes in central and eastern Kenya
The triploid East African Highland Banana (EAHB) genepool is genetically uniform arising from a single ancestral clone that underwent population expansion by vegetative propagation
Implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: experiences and achievements of eight countries from around the world
Understanding farmers’ indicators in climate-smart agriculture prioritization in Nwoya District, Northern Uganda
Phosphorus in smallholder farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa: implications for agricultural intensification
Response to G.W. Sileshi’s Letter to the Editor on AGEE13857 (2015): Exclusion of soil macrofauna did not affect soil quality – statistical artefact or true lack of effect?
Long-term effects of TSP and Minjingu phosphate rock applications on yield response of maize and soybean in a humid tropical maize–legume cropping system