Assessment of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity, loss of landraces and farmers preference criteria in southern Benin using farmers’ participatory approach
Acclimatization and growth of tissue cultured banana co-inoculated with microbiological and chemical commercial products in different soils in Kenya
Synthesis Report on Five-Country Institutional Analysis Produced for the CIAT Scoping Study on Soil Research and Management to Enrich Bilateral German Development Cooperation Programs
Participatory evaluation of Guinea yam (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam.–D. rotundata Poir. complex) landraces from Benin and agro-morphological characterization of cultivars tolerant to drought, high soil moisture and chips storage insects
Climate variability and status of the production and diversity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in the arid zone of northwest Benin
Assessing and improving organic matter, nutrient dynamics and profitability of smallholder farms in Ethiopia and Kenya: proof of concept of using the whole farm model FarmDESIGN for prioritization of GIZ development interventions
Synthesis report on five country institutional analysis: produced for the CIAT scoping study on soil research and management to enrich bilateral German development cooperation programs
Effects of season and location on cattle milk produced and producer milk prices in selected villages of Tanga and Morogoro Regions, Tanzania