The Alliance at ICAE 2024

The Alliance at ICAE 2024

The 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE-2024) will be held from August 2-7, 2024, at the NASC Complex in New Delhi (India) centered on the theme “Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems”.  

The Alliance at ICAE 2024 Banner

This event offers a unique platform for agricultural academic institutions and researchers to meet in person, share knowledge, and contribute to the global agricultural research community. The flagship conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) typically draws around a thousand participants from around the world. The IAAE, with its global membership, is committed to addressing agricultural economic challenges and promoting the application of agricultural economics to improve rural economic and social conditions. 

Our sessions

Alliance’s experts will contribute to this important Conference with various sessions. These sessions will cover a broad range of topics related to the transformation of agri-food systems. They include workshops on transdisciplinary approaches and the bioeconomy, panels discussing the transformative role of the bioeconomy, and symposiums addressing changing food environments and urban food systems. The focus will be on collaborative frameworks, sustainable development, dietary transitions in Africa, and policy implications for agri-food systems in Africa and Asia. 



Date and venue 


Alliance’s experts 

Pre-conference workshop 

2 August 2024, 9 am – 1 pm 


N6 (Second floor, NASC Complex Office Block) 

Transdisciplinary Approaches in Agri-Food Systems Transformation Research 

Manuel Narjes 


Pre-conference workshop 


2 August 2024, 9 am – 6 pm 


C5 (First floor, Convention Center) 

The Bioeconomy and Sustainable development 

Enoch Kikulwe 


3 August 2024, 4 pm – 5:30 pm 


A1 (Upper ground floor, NASC Complex) 

Exploring the Transformative Role of the Bioeconomy 

Enoch Kikulwe 



4 August 2024, 11 am – 12:30 pm 


A1 (Upper ground floor, NASC Complex) 

Changing Food Environments: What Does It Mean for Consumers and Producers? Experience from Africa and Asia and Implications for Policymakers 

Jonathan Mockshell 


4 August 2024, 1:30 am – 3 pm 


C4 (First floor, Convention Center) 

Urban Food Systems and Dietary Transition in Africa 

Jonathan Mockshell 



6 August 2024, 1:30 pm – 3 pm 


N1 (Ground floor, NASC Complex Office Block) 

Systems Transformation 2 

Jonathan Mockshell 

Paper Presentations 

Alliance’s researchers will present their papers contributing to address critical issues in agricultural economics and food security. Topics include the impact of agronomy extension on household resilience, the adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies, and the rise of nutrition-related diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. Other papers will discuss the macroeconomic impacts of traditional crop varieties, incentives for agroecological practices, and the economic analysis of bean projects in Zimbabwe and Burundi. The papers will provide insights into resilience, sustainability, and economic implications for smallholder farmers and agri-food systems. 





Alliance’s experts 

Contributed Paper 

3 August 2024, 1:50 pm – 2:10 pm 


The Impact of an Agronomy Extension-Based Campaign on Smallholder Household Resilience to Food Insecurity amidst Climate Change and COVID-19-Induced Shocks in Uganda 


Enoch Kikulwe, Elisabetta Gotor 

Contributed Paper 

4 August 2024, 12 pm – 12:20 pm 


N2 (Ground Floor, NASC Complex Office Block) 


The Food Security Impact of Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies Adoption on Smallholder Farmers in West Africa Sahel Region ( 

Bola Amoke Awotide 


4 August 2024, 1:50 pm – 2:10 pm 


C4 (First Floor, Convention Centre) 

Urban Food Environments and the Rise of Nutrition-Related Non-Communicable Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa ( 

Jonathan Mockshell, Sylvester Ogutu, Diego Alvarez 


Contributed Paper 

6 August 2024, 11:20 am – 11:40 am 


C8 (First Floor, Convention Centre) 

Sweating Bullets: Heat, High-Stakes Evaluations, and the Role of Incentives ( 

Alexander Buritica  

Contributed Paper 

6 August 2024, 12 pm – 12:20 pm 


C7 (First Floor, Convention Centre) 

Macroeconomic Impacts of Traditional Crop Varieties Breeding Programs: The Case of Ethiopian Wheat Landraces ( 

Carlo Fadda, Elisabetta Gotor 

Contributed Paper 

6 August 2024, 2:30 pm – 2:50 pm  


N1 (Ground Floor, NASC Complex Office Block) 

What Incentives Are Critical for Scaling out the Adoption of Agroecological Practices? a Systematic Review of Peruvian Cocoa Value Chains ( 

Jonathan Mockshell, Marcela Quintero, Thea Nielsen Ritter, Roseline Remans 

Contributed Paper 

6 August 2024, 3:15 pm – 3:20 pm 


Poster area K (Convention Centre) 

Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies Adoption and Poverty Nexus Among Farmers in West Africa. ( 

Bola Amoke Awotide 

Contributed Poster 

7 August 2024, 3:20 pm – 3:25 pm 


Poster area H (Convention Centre) 

Unraveling the Fusarium TR4 Challenge: Food Security and Economic Resilience in Organic Banana Farming in Peru ( 

Jonathan Mockshell 

Contributed Paper 

6 August 2024, 11:00 am – 11:20 am 


C7 (First Floor, Convention Centre) 

Economic Analysis of Pabra Led Bean Projects in Zimbabwe and Burundi: Application of Cost Benefit Analysis Approach ( 

Justus Ochieng, Birachi Eliud, Jean Claude Rubyogo, Enid Katungi 

The Alliance experts

Elisabetta Gotor

Director Land Resource Economics Unit and Program Leader ∙ Performance, Innovation and Strategic Analysis for Impact (PISA4)

Jean Claude Rubyogo

Leader, Global Bean Program, and Director, Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA)

Manuel Narjes

Lead Environmental and Agricultural Economist, Multifunctional Landscapes